


Nashville, TN

I've been lazy and neglected this blog since getting back from the trip last weekend. I do apologize. I hope everyone enjoyed a thankful and lovely Thanksgiving! I have a plethora of photos still to edit, thus more blogging will commence.

Getting back into the swing of work after an eventful week off was an adjustment - but quite a good one. Good things keep happening! More on this soon . . .

Back to the trip. While we spent less than 24 hours in Nashville, it was time well spent. Mostly in the hotel making our delicious - but marginally ghetto - Thanksgiving meal (strange hotel hot plates in the very Ikea-like kitchen of our hotel suite) with my mother's birthday Rose. Yum. Besides our meal, with explored the to-scale reproduction of the Parthenon (who knew??) in the center of Nashville. For real, there is an actual PARTHENON in the middle of a park. This beautiful country never ceases to surprise. I had quite a time taking photos in the bright sunlight - beautiful day, beautiful light, and a magnificent structure. Looking up at the pillars was just dizzying. 

If you are ever in Nashville, I highly recommend exploring this place. Quite a visual treat!

Oh, hey sunlight.


Loved the gritty texture of the pillars in contrast with the smooth tiles underfoot.

A little perspective.

My mom using my iPhone

A special treat.


Day Five and Six: Happy Thanksgiving

I'm tired from all the driving but happy to be drinking a little champagne in Nashville.

New Orleans was, as one might expect, amazing! My legs are still sore from all the walking around. We had perfect 73 degree weather for all three days - just right for aimless exploring marked with brief stops for coffee, beignets, and beer. What else? A bayou swamp tour with the a nice cajun who lectured us on exactly why Louisinans take offense at such shows as Swamp People (rightly so). Saw some alligators, armadillos, herons, and floating trailers. Also learned a whole lot about the swamp of Slidell, LA.

I have way too many photos to go through - which I will do as soon as possible. Here are a few of my favorites from days five and.

Happy Thanksgiving! We are enjoying a Food Network-esque cooking challenge in the hotel room (hot plates and thanksgiving dinner?) and as I mentioned - some delicious champagne.

More to come!!

A view of Jackson Square and the St. Louis Cathedral

Cafe Du Monde.

Jackson Square with filters

Birds in a fountain



Day Three and Four: Instagrammed

Day three to Atlanta was mainly spent in the car, eagerly awaiting new scenery. We didn't get to experience all that Atlanta had to offer, but we did have a nice long visit with the local Whole Foods and I got a run in at the microscopic hotel gym.

Day four was also spent in the car, but we made it to New Orleans at the decent hour of 2:30 (and discovered the beauty of the time zone change! An extra hour!?)

We explored the city last night a bit, our condo is on the edge of the French Quarter (a short walk from the market and bourbon street).

I haven't used my camera a whole lot in the last few days but here's a sampling from Instagram!

Next on the agenda? Beignets at Cafe Du Monde of course!!


Day Two Continued: Chapel Hill in Photographs

I always forget how much I adore the sweet town of Chapel Hill, NC. Every few years when I make it down to the Durham area we usually spend an afternoon in the cozy college town and it is always a delight. Yesterday was no different. We had some delicious freshly brewed coffee and mint tea at Caffe Driade, explored the Ackland Art Museum, and had an incredible dinner at a charming little Indian restaurant called Vimala's Curryblossom Cafe

French Pressed Peppermint Tea

Chilly Sunset.

We didn't eat here, but the menu looked delicious. But after Curryblossom, I know we made the right choice!

My mother in anticipation of our meal! In retrospect, we may have gotten too many water glasses for three people . . .

Road Trip Day Two: Late Fall Flowers

The beautiful flowers above are still remaining from the summer. The light was just perfect for these delicate (albeit hanging on for dear life) blooms.

Enjoyed the cool weather in NC today with a 5 mile trail run, lots of delicious fresh coffee and tea, Indian food, gallery exploring, and a nice long history lesson from Daniel Day Lewis and Tommy Lee Jones (Lincoln was quite good - made me realize how little I retained of American history pre-Reconstruction).

Tomorrow we head to Atlanta for more exploring en route to the bayou. Sunset photos and those promised coffee photos will ensue.


Road Trip Day 1

Did I mention this whole road trip I'm taking over Thanksgiving? No? Well here it goes . . .

We (my mother and I) have arrived at stop number one. Our dear family friend's home in Durham, NC. We made it from NJ to NC in under 9 hours! Whew, I'm pretty sleepy. Tomorrow is a day of adventuring and then on to the ATL Sunday, before heading to New Orleans. I'm so excited to see that beautiful town - neither of us have ever been!

I promise to keep updating as we go. I have no good photos from good ol' Interstate 95, but I plan on finding something pretty to take pictures of tomorrow. Perhaps a cup of coffee . . .


Staten Island Strong

Yesterday, instead of going to work, the office organized a volunteer day to help with the clean up and rebuild of Staten Island post hurricane. I knew I loved my job before, but I'm even more proud to work there now - I work with some pretty amazing people.

What an incredible day. I met so many wonderful people (and a lovely dog too!) Way too many heartbreaking stories of loss and so much resilience.

We cleaned out a quite a few flooded homes and basements in the New Dorp area (beachfront), helped organize clothing, food and supply donations. Our office worked with Staten Island Strong - a fantastic organization. If you can get out there, they need all the help they can get. There is still SO much to be done.

The devastation is enormous.


A Little More October Please?

So as you may have noticed, the lovely month of October zoomed past at lightening speed. We closed the month with a nasty hurricane and then just like that - it became November.

I'm not quite ready to accept the impending reality of winter, not just yet. Just a few more colorful leaves please? Leave the green grass for another week or two? Here a few last looks at October - taken the weekend before the hurricane. 

(I sure hope that nor'easter threat is a lie . . . )

Anderson Park in Montclair, NJ

Some leaves. Some grass too.

Our little pumpkin friend.

A few lemons for good measure. 


Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Ever

A few weeks ago I discovered the very best chocolate chip cookie recipe ever. Thanks America's Test Kitchen! I was pleasantly surprised with the results of the recipe - I've searched for a very long time for the perfect chocolate chip  cookie . . . chewy, moist, chocolate chip-y. Yum. The one thing that threw me off when I first read this recipe is that you have to melt the butter first, a strange step as opposed to the usual 'soft' butter, but worked perfectly, trust me. Here's the recipe - just remember, take them out before they look done.

2 cups plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour (I used half whole wheat pastry, half white)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
12 tablespoons (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, melted and cooled 
1 cup packed light or dark brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 whole egg
1 egg yolk
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups semisweet chocolate chips

Heat the oven to 325*

Whisk the flour, baking soda, and salt together and set aside.

Beat the butter and sugar together until smooth. Add the egg, egg yolk, and vanilla and beat until fully incorporated. The recipe suggests that you use a mixer for this. It's probably a good idea, but i used a fork and whisk and it worked just fine - it's up to you!

Add the dry ingredients and mix until combined. Mix in the chocolate chips. 

Divide the dough into small pieces. Roll into balls and place on baking tray, spacing about 2 1/2 inches apart. 

Bake for about 15 minutes, rotating baking sheets halfway through baking time. Bake until cookies are slightly brown on the edges, while the centers are still soft. Cool the cookies on the baking sheets.

Hope you enjoy!


Instagrams from my Strange Week with Sandy

I must first say how extremely lucky we have been during and after 'Superstorm Sandy.' Living on the outskirts of NYC during the aftermath of the hurricane is something to remember. We were very lucky to only lose power for 36 hours, while thousands still go without heat, light, or water. Being that my commute (three hours to go 5 miles on Thursday!) was the worst of it for me, I really can't complain!

NYC is a different place now, as are the outer boroughs, NJ, Long Island, and parts of CT. There certainly is so much more to say, but much of it has already been said before. My thoughts go out to everyone dealing with the aftermath. I haven't seen any of the places that were hit the worst, but from what photos and stories I've heard - it's like the zombie apocalypse. Wow! Just a few trees down in our neighborhood . . .

Here are a few instagrams that I took this week. Some prettier than others! Stay warm and safe everyone - 

The GWB on my commute this morning (don't worry, I wasn't driving). Blue skies are back!

The office dogs are starting to feel pretty cooped up since the park across the street is still closed!!

Gas lines in NJ. They stretch for blocks and blocks. One side for people with cans, one side for cars. Insane.