


Brunch in Portugal

Bom dia! After the culture shock of returning to the U.S. after a glorious eight days in Portugal has fully set in, I am prepared to examine some of the many (excessive!) photographs taken on our trip. Food was a major highlight of this trip, both in beauty and taste.

The most fantastic brunch I have EVER eaten was on our last morning in Portugal. Fresh coffee in antique ceramic cups, delicious mimosas, gorgeous mangoes, nectarines, oranges, grapefruit, and delectable pastries, who could ever ask for more? Oh, well you could ask to be having this brunch on a marble patio overlooking the ocean... done, and done!

The colors of all our meals were exquisite and predominately in the red and orange family. The more I take notice of the color of food, the more I realize how drawn I am to these reds and oranges. Well complimented to this color scheme is cobalt blue, and I took full advantage of this by eating all the nectarines and oranges off of cobalt blue plates.

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