


What is the Lavender Spoon?

The Lavender Spoon is an exploration through the flavors of color. Let me explain in more depth: I really enjoy and appreciate food. I also really enjoy photography and art. With this blog I plan to combine food and photography into a flavorful and colorful experience.

Of course the idea of pretty pictures of pretty food has been approached (and executed beautifully) a thousand times before, and I certainly don't think I will be the first to explore the "flavor of color." However, as a photographer I plan to approach this as a fun and delicious photo essay assignment. An edible, colorful, 'synesthesic' photo assignment. I hope you enjoy the coming weeks of musings, colors, textures, and flavor.

As we begin I will leave you with this "Brooklyn Blackout" Cake. A chocolate cake with a fudge layer, a chocolate pudding layer, and a whole lot of fantastically creamy and decadent chocolate.

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