


This Week: List Form

Since I love making lists . . . to-do lists, wish lists, more to-do lists . . . I thought I'd share this week's thoughts in list form.

Missing: Warm sunny weather. I'd really like a sunny beach right now. It's not that it's cold (it really isn't - it was 57 degrees this week) but it's grey, rainy, damp, and dark all the time. The caribbean would be awesome, but I'd be psyched with just Tampa at this point.

Wanting: To take more photos. I think I've been lazy with photo taking recently. I need to get out of the apartment and take more well-lit, interesting photographs. 

Enjoying: Listening to This American Life. I've managed to catch a few really great shows recently - it's been a great running buddy this week.

Needing: To vacuum. But seriously. Well maybe I need a new vacuum - which is a totally lame purchase and NOT at the top of my things-I-want-to-buy list.

Loving: Smoothies for breakfast

Amazing: The new puppy at work. She's a 12 week old collie/german shepherd and she is a ball of cuddly, soft, delightful puppy smell and puppy fur. TOO CUTE. 

Seriously. Best new coworker ever.

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